1.Visit digEplayer.com to make your reservation
2.After completing the reservation form you will be sent an electronic receipt with your reservation information.
3.Keep your receipt to present to a member of the flight crew if needed.
4.Board your flight and you will be given a digEplayer by a member of the flight crew once the aircraft reaches cruising altitude. If not, present your receipt to receive your digEplayer.
5.To use the digEplayer wait until the captain has approved the use of electronic devices then simply unzip the carrying case and press the power button. A menu will open after a brief pause and you can select the content you wish to view.�Enjoy!
6.When you are finished with your digEplayer or the captain has asked for you to turn off all electronic devices please turn off your digEplayer and put it back in its pouch.�Please return the digEplayer to a member of the flight crew prior to landing.